Object Orientation

simran nagdeo
1 min readJan 4, 2021


Object Orientation is considered as a thinking process. In case of object orientation, we have to think everything in terms of object. Simula is considered as a first object-oriented programming language, and Smalltalk is considered as first truly object oriented programming language.

In object orientation, there are four major concepts:






Binding Characteristics and behaviour together is called Encapsulation. By using the concept of class we can achieve encapsulation.


Hiding something from the outside world is called as an abstraction. It refers to provide only essential information about the data to the outside world and hiding the background details and implementation.


It is considered as Reusability. If any type of class is reused to design a different class then it is considered as Inheritance.


Single name and multiple behaviour is called polymorphism. Real life example of polymorphism, a person has different roles to play at the same time, like a woman is mother, daughter, an employee, wife at the same time.

